Bubble - Detect Inactivity Plugin


This Plugin allows you to detect when an user has become inactive/idle. You can specify the time a user has to be inactive before the Event is triggered. You can show a popup, play a sound etc. when an user has become inactive Furthermore, an event is triggered once the user has become active again after being inactive. With this Plugin you can increase the conversions on your page and prevent users from leaving your site or becoming inactive for too long.

For a demo please visit: https://detectinactivity.bubbleapps.io/

Icons made by "https://www.flaticon.com/authors/freepik" Freepik is licensed by http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ CC 3.0 BY


In order to Detect Inactivity on a page you have to drag the "Detect" Element onto your page. Within the Element Inspector you can specify the idle time (in seconds). This specifes the time in seconds a user has to be inactive before an "Inactive" Event is triggered. You know have access to the "user has become Inactive" and the "user has become active" events which you can use to trigger certain workflows. For example , go to Workflows-> Add a new Event->Elements->A Detect User has become inactive and trigger a workflow such as showing a popup to the user.

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