Bubble - iOS Style Notifications


This Plugin allows you to add iOS Styled notifications,alerts,modals and action sheets to your app. Current features include:

  • iOS Modal

  • Action Sheet

  • Toast Message

  • Loading Popup

The Notifications are in the same style as the standard native iOS notifications. You can use this Plugin to build a mobile optimised/native application by using effects/UI features with which users are familiar.

For a demo of this Plugin please visit:https://iosnotification.bubbleapps.io/


After installing the Plugin you have access to two Elements and two actions:

iOS Modal: This is the classic iOS Notification. Simply drag the iOS Modal element onto your page. You can now trigger a new notification within a workflow. Within the workflow you can also specify the title, content and the labels of the modal. Furthermore, after the user clicks on one of the modal buttons, an event is triggered. When the user clicks on the left button the event "Button A has been clicked" will be triggered and when the user clicks on the right button the event "Button B has been clicked" is triggered. You can specify what should happen after these events are triggered.

Action Sheet: This triggers an action sheet from the bottom of your app with a title and 3 options for the user to choose from. Simply drag the Action Sheet Element onto your page. You can now trigger the Action Sheet within your workflows. Within the workflow you can also specify the title of the action sheet as well as the labels of the three different buttons/actions. Similar to the iOS Modal, events will be triggered according to which button is clicked. The top button will trigger Event A, the middle button will trigger Event B and the lower button will trigger Event C.

Toast Message: This will display a simple message to the user. You can trigger this action within a workflow under the Plugins submenu. Simply specify the message that should be displayed as well as the duration of the animation in milliseconds.

Loading Popup: This will display an iOS styled popup with a loading text.You can trigger this action within a workflow under the Plugins submenu. Simply specify the duration of the animation in milliseconds.

Last updated