Bubble - Full-Screen Loading Animation Plugin


This Plugin allows you to add an animated spinner with a fullscreen loading mask to show the user that the page is loading/preloading. You can choose between 7 different kinds of spinners and can choose whatever colour you want for the background. With this Plugin you can greatly enhance the user experience by showing the user that your website is currently loading data/elements using a beautiful full-screen loading mask. You can trigger the loading animation within a workflow and choose the timeToFade, the Loading spinner colour and the spinner type. For a demo of this Plugin please visit: https://tiltingeffect.bubbleapps.io/


Simply drag the Full-Page Loading Element onto the page where you want to trigger the loading animation. You can start the loading animation within your workflows, for example when a certain button is clicked. You can set the duration of the animation (in ms, the spinner colour, and the spinner type. *Please Note: The Full-Page Loading Element must be on top of every other element, otherwise other elements will overlap the animation. In order to do this right click onto the element and choose "bring to front".

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