Bubble - Quiz Creator Template
This is a online quiz builder Template for Bubble (Bubble.is). This Template allows you to create your own Multiple choice quizzes and share them, as well as gather data and stats about the number of participants and the scores that they achieve. The following features are included:
Homepage with latest quizzes, call to action and information about features
Page to search for Quizzes
Ability to take quizzes online, including calculation of points and sharing
Dashboard for quiz creators where they can create new quizzes and view stats about their quizzes
This template can be used to create your own quizzes or to create an online quiz creator platform.
Thank you for using our template. If you require custom development or some other service feel free to contact us via anticodedev@gmail.com or visit our website: https://www.anticode.de . We are a software development agency fully specialised on Nocode/lowcode methods.
Data Types
The data type "quiz" represents a quiz that is created by an user on the platform. It contains a title, a description, an image, a list of "questions" and a list of "scores".
The data type questions represents the individual questions that are assigned to a certain quiz. A question consists of the 4 possible multiple choice answers, as well as the "correct answer" which is a number that points out to the correct answer. Each question has to be assigned to a quiz and a quiz can have multiple questions attached to it
Scores are created every time an user completes a quiz. A score has to be assigned to a quiz and contains the number (as a percentage from 0-1) which represents the score that was achieved by the user.
The Index page contains some general information, a call to action, a list of features and a list of the latest quizzes. In order to create a quiz a user has to be logged in.
This page allows the user to search for all quizzes that were created. It consists of a simple search box and a repeating group that displays results depending on what was entered into the search box.
This page is the page where the actual quiz is presented. It makes use of various custom states in order to keep track of the current score, the current question number and the answer chosen by the user. After a quiz is completed, the user will be presented with a popup including his/her score as well as links to share his result.
This page gives logged in users the ability to create new quizzes and/or view the stats of quizzes that were created. This page also makes use various custom states in order to display the relevant content. The user has the ability to view a pie chart of the scores of his quiz, as well als download the results as a CSV (*Note: this feature is available once you are on a paid paid Bubble plan). There is no limit to the number of quizzes that can be created for each individual quiz.
If you require custom development for this template, feel free to contact us via anticodedev@gmail.com for more information
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