Bubble - Meetup/Events Template
This is a template that allows you to create your own Meetup/Events platform. Users can search for and participate in meetups and/or host their own meetups. Hosts can edit and manage their meetups within their own dashboard. This template is fully responsive and optimised for mobile use.
Please use the following credentials for a demo access:
email: anticode2@anticode.de
password: test
This template is sold as is and we cannot guarantee that this template is completely bug free, however if any major Bugs are discovered we will fix them.
Thank you for using our template. If you require custom development or some other service feel free to contact us via anticodedev@gmail.com or visit our website: https://www.anticode.de/?lang=en . We are a software development agency fully specialised on Nocode/lowcode methods.
Data Types
The data type "Meetup" represents a meetup that is hosted on the platform. It contains fields such as the name, image, location and a welcome message that is displayed on sign up. The start_date field ist the date & time when the meetup begins. The field "host" is the User that has created the meetup.
The user data type represents a signed up user on the platform. Besides the user's email and password, this data type also contains the fields "meetupsparticipated" and "hostedmeetups" which are a list of meetups that the user has taken part in or has hosted respectively.
The data type category defines the different categories on the platform. It only contains the fields "name" and "image". Every meetup must be assigned to a category.
The data type comment represents a comment posted by an user for a specific meetup.
The homepage contains multiple sections, such as a repeating group with some of the latest meetups created and a list of all categories. When a user clicks on the image of a category, he is brought to the search page and the clicked category is sent as an url parameter "c" in text form.
The create page allows logged in users to create a new meetup. It consists of multiple groups that are displayed one after another, collecting all the relevant data from the user to create a meetup. The repeating group displaying the categories has a custom state called "category" which saves the category clicked by the user and passes it to the created meetup.
The meetup page displays a meetup on the platform. It contains all relevant information for the meetup and a comment section. Users have to be logged in to comment. Once a user clicks on the "Take Part" button, the current meetup is added to the list of participated meetups of the user and the current user is added to the list of participants. When a user has already participated or if the current user is the host of the meetup, then the button will not be clickable. When a user successfully participates in a meetup, a popup containing the welcome message defined by the host is displayed and the user can view his sign up in the dashboard.
The search page allows users to search for meetups by category and location. When the location search box is empty, the repeating group will display meetups with the specified category independent of the location. Only once a location is specified will the constraint be applied. In order for results to be displayed, a category has to be chosen. The category dropdown also searches for the url parameter "c" which is sent by the index page in order to determine which category to initially display.
The dashboard page allows users to view the meetups they have participated in or see the meetups they hosted, as well as edit their profile picture and change their password. Hosts are able to edit, manage or delete their meetups. When the "edit" button is clicked, a popup is opened where the host can change the information of his meetup. By clicking on "manage", a popup is opened where the host can view all signed up participants for a certain meetup. Users have to be logged in to access the dashboard page.
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